Cocoa beans

The cocoa bean or simply cocoa, which is also called the cacao bean or cacao is the dried and fully fermented seed of Theobroma cacao, from which cocoa solids (a mixture of nonfat substances) and cocoa butter (the fat) can be extracted. Cocoa beans are the basis of chocolate.


Get in touch in the market leaders of the most flavourful cocoa suppliers. Daarnhouwer and Crafting Markets. 

CAMEROON (Black) – Warrant no. 20-21 DESCRIPTION Reviving economies through century-old cacao…
€ 12,50
With more than one hundred years of experience in the field, Daarnhouwer has become synonymous with…
€ 1,00
High-quality cocoa. Financial visibility for smallholder farmers.  Crafting Markets  sustainable…
€ 1,00